“opportunities to achieve mastery (80%+) every step of the way”
“students move ahead at the appropriate academic level regardless of age”
“high expectations, clearly and thoroughly stated”
“creative thought, student participation, and active engagement”
“creative aspect of education provides the challenge”
“extension activities with every major project”
“higher level thinking skills – synthesizing information”
“applying concepts to new situations”
“think critically and creatively using standards and rubrics”
“perform real-world tasks to demonstrate essential knowledge”
"focusing on primary sources"
"getting students to develop their own ideas"
"ability to think abstractly"
"using both formal Socratic seminars and Harkness table discussions"
"develop arguments in a competitive setting"
"reinforce at home what's learned at school"
"real world applications"
"synthesize information, rather than just retain or recite it"
"project based"
"draw connections"
"insights into the text"
"understand what they are reading"
"hands-on investigations and labs"
"collaborate with others in scientific investigations"