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Hi all, I so enjoyed listening to your song choices and reading why these songs matter to you. Music is an important part of our lives and I hope you all get a chance to check out what others shared; you may find a new favorite song or two! For the December blog post, this is what I want you to do: I want you to do one thing for someone else that makes their day brighter, makes their life easier or simply brings a smile to their face. What can you do, in the season of giving, that will be a positive contribution? Emptying the dishwasher without being asked? Tell someone how much they mean to you? Post what you do in the comment section and take time to read other people's responses. I am grateful for all your hard work the past four months! I look forward to our concert, as it is a culmination of all your accomplishments in our class. Thanks so much and I look forward to reading your acts of kindness!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 01, 2015 at 5:58 PM
What song gets you passionate about singing? What song creates joy in your heart, makes you thankful, excited about music? Please find a YouTube clip of the song that you just love (please refrain from posting inappropriate material…I do moderate the comments)! Respond in the comments below with the link to your video and three reasons why this song just makes you feel good when listening to it. Here is mine! This song has beautiful, intense harmonies, a soaring soprano part, a deep and pensive alto and bass part and a joyous tenor part....all by using ONE word! Take a listen :-)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 02, 2015 at 8:24 AM
Hi everybody. At this point all students who have internet access should have access to the portal. So there will no longer be homework assignments posted on this blog.  See you there!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 09, 2015 at 12:43 PM
Both Sections 2 and 4 have a writing assignment due on Friday: Write 12 - 13 sentences about the Epic of Gilgamesh using the outline we made after reading it as a guide. Included in that number should be 1 - 2 sentences about the moral of the story and what you think of the story.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 06, 2015 at 2:57 PM
Both Sections 1 and 3 have a writing assignment due on Thursday: Write 12 - 13 sentences about the Epic of Gilgamesh using the outline we made after reading it as a guide. Included in that number should be 1 - 2 sentences about the moral of the story.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 05, 2015 at 1:33 PM
The human voice is amazing. It can shout, it can whisper, it can speak, it can SING. But why can’t we sing two notes at the same time? Is it an impossible feat that only a select few in the world can do? Not anymore, according to Beardyman (yes, that is his name, you may laugh). Please watch the following video and read the questions I have posed. Please respond to the questions at the bottom of the page through the comment section, written out or you can e-mail me the responses at  [email protected]. Question 1: What is his accomplishment? Question 2: Do you think this is important in choral singing, to be able to have one person sing more than one note at a time? Why or why not?
Posted by Guest  On Oct 05, 2015 at 7:53 AM
Level 1 Sections 1 and 3 should start studying for a big quiz on Sumerian Contributions to be taken on Monday.
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2015 at 3:18 PM
All sections for Level 1 history had a binder check today and studied for our next quiz. Sections 1 and 3 are still working on the Sumerian contributions PowerPoint.  Sections 2 and 4 will be taking a quiz on it (check out yesterday's post on the quiz.) Level 2 Section 2 were practicing their performance for Plato's Republic. Four pairs performed and were peer-reviewed in Level 2 Section 2.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2015 at 2:57 PM
Today both sections 2 and 4 of Level 1 History took a quiz on the New Stone Age and received graded paperwork.  We then studied Sumerian contributions to civilization: Section 2 will have a quiz on Thursday about this topic and Section 4 will take the same quiz on Friday.    Both Sections 1 and 2 of Level 2 completed their paraphrasing of the parts of Scene 2 and divided into pairs to perform a part in front of the class.  Both Sections 1 and 2 will have to turn in their paraphrase of the Republic on Friday.   Level 2 Section 1 begins performance on Friday. Level 2 Section 2 begins performance on Wednesday.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 29, 2015 at 2:12 PM
I returned paperwork to all my sections today - quizzes, extra credit, and writing assignments.  In Sections 1 and 3 of Level 1 History we studied our notes about the New Stone Age and took a quiz on it.  Most students did very well.  We then began our PowerPoint on Mesopotamia and Sumerian contributions to civilization.  No Homework. Section 1 of Level 2 completed working on Part 3 of Scene 2 from Plato's Republic. No Homework.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 28, 2015 at 1:47 PM
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