Daily Bell Schedule

2024-25 Daily Bell Schedule

Student arrival may begin at 7:20 AM, adult supervision will not be available prior to this time. We ask all parents to please make arrangements for children to be picked up by 3:40 PM.

Daily Bell Schedule

Lunch #1 - 10:55am - 11:25am (30 minutes)
Lunch #2 - 11:25am - 11:55am (30 minutes)
Lunch #3 - 11:55am - 12:25pm (30 minutes)
Lunch #4 - 12:25pm - 12:55pm (30 minutes)

2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule

If the school calls a two hour delay the DELAYED BELL SCHEDULE takes effect.

Daily Bell - 2 Hr. Delay

Lunch #1 - 10:55am - 11:25am (30 minutes)
Lunch #2 - 11:25am - 11:55am (30 minutes)
Lunch #3 - 11:55am - 12:25pm (30 minutes)
Lunch #3 - 12:25pm - 12:55pm (30 minutes)
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