What is a Charter School?

A charter school is:

  • A public school that is governed and operated as an independent school district by a board of trustees.
  • Publicly funded. In New Hampshire public charter schools can be authorized by two different entities, 1. the State Board of Education or 2. by the local school district. The Founders Academy is one of 22 state authorized charter schools and it is funded on a per pupil basis, directly from the state. State authorized charter schools receive approximately $6,900 per pupil annually or about 43% of the State Average Cost to educate a public school student. Unlike traditional public schools, state authorized charter schools do not receive local tax dollars. A state authorized charter school must operate inside its allocated funding and is required to balance its budget each year. State authorized charter schools cannot request more funding from the town or state due to a budget shortfall.
  • A school of choice. Parents choose a charter school based on many factors, including the mission and vision of the school.
  • A mission-driven school that is focused on a specific philosophy or purpose. Every charter school has its own mission and philosophy. The Founders Academy provides a classical education with emphasis on leadership, entrepreneurship, business, history, classical literature, rhetoric and debate, good citizenship, ethics, personal responsibility, Western values, and more. Our mission is described on our website at www.thefoundersacademy.org and in our charter document. The Founders Academy desires to educate all students who enter our school, expecting nothing less than the best from each one.
  • Usually founded by a group of parents, teachers, or a foundation. The Founders Academy was established by The Founders Academy Foundation, which was created by Thomas Frischknecht, Kim Lavallee, and Patricia Humphrey.
  • Authorized by the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education and the New Hampshire Department of Education have been supportive of the establishment of The Founders Academy and of the efforts of The Founders Academy Foundation.
  • Governed in accordance with New Hampshire law. Most charter schools in New Hampshire are governed by a board of directors or trustees comprised of parents and other supporters. The board of trustees reports to the State Board of Education (BOE) and the Commissioner of the State Department of Education.
  • Highly accountable to the New Hampshire Department of Education and to the students, parents, and communities it serves. A charter school’s board of trustees reviews the charter documents to ensure compliance by the administration and faculty.

Additional Resources

Please note: Once you click the links below, you will leave this website. The Founders Academy is not responsible for any content posted on third party websites.

New Hampshire Charter School Foundation - A free resource for New Hampshire residents to launch, enroll and understand Charter Schools.

NH Center for Innovative Schools - 
The NH Center for Innovative Schools is a NH registered non-profit that provides free assistance to public charter schools.

Academy for Science and Design (ASD) Academy for Science and Design is a STEM charter school. 

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