Core Values


Building our Character;

Exercising our Leadership;

Knowing our History;

Honoring our Heroes;

Upholding our Values;

Serving our Community;

Guarding our Liberty;

Loving our Country.


Interpretive Statements


On Character Character is honesty, integrity, reliability, honor and dignity, but it is also so much more. Character is work ethic, charity, kindness, compassion, humanity, courage, and sacrifice. Character is actively giving of yourself with no expectation of recognition or reward, putting forth your best effort, understanding right from wrong and choosing right. Strong character is humble and stoic. Good character is precious and fragile. A deficiency in some elements of strong character is not overcome by a surplus of other strengths.      


On Leadership 

Leaders chart a course, set example, earn respect, shoulder responsibility, and lead others. Leadership is initiative, vision, decisiveness, creativity, imagination. Leadership and character often travel together, but are distinct. Leaders inspire followers.

On History & Love of Country

We are proud of our history and appreciate why the United States is not only the great melting pot, but also the global beacon of freedom and liberty.  We pledge allegiance to the flag, as the symbol of the greatest country the world has ever known.  We understand the sacrifices made by great men and women of history in order to give us the gift of freedom, enterprise, and common identity.  We appreciate that the path of our history has been marked by missteps and setbacks, and any number of imperfect human beings, and yet, we inevitably overcome adversity to advance the human condition.  The United States of America is an exceptional force for good in the world.


On Heroes

Heroes are great men and women of real accomplishment, sacrifice, and character.  Athletes, musicians, actors, and politicians may be admirable people, but a hero is a thousand times more.  Heroes are police officers, firefighters, soldiers, doctors, nurses, airmen, sailors and others who give for the good of humanity.  Heroes rise to the challenge in a time of true need.  Our founding fathers are heroes.  True heroes may be too numerous to mention, however, some must be named.  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison.  Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, Harriet Tubman, Dwight Eisenhower, Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers.  Entry to the ranks of heroes should be reserved to the precious few that elevate and enrich the very definition of hero by their inclusion. 


On Values

Our values are well described in this Mission and the interpretive statements.  Upholding our values means more than flowery words; read and forgotten.  Values are the moral compass we travel with every day.  Our values guide us, and enlighten us.  Values show us where to improve, and when to rest.  Values shape our goals and ambitions.  Character, leadership, patriotism, community, liberty and love of country are instilled in our mission because we value them and we want the world to see these values in who we are.  


On Community

Our community is the Founders Academy, its students, parents, teachers, administration, volunteers and staff.  Our community is Manchester, NH and dozens of towns surrounding it.  Our community is New Hampshire, and New England.  Our community is the United States and the world.  More than anything else, our community is made up of people with individual hopes, dreams, burdens and aspirations.  Each of us is a part of our community, with just as important a role as any other of us.


On Liberty

Liberty is the right to be free of undue government intrusion in our daily lives.  Undue government intrusion is always repugnant and offensive.  For this reason, we treasure and guard liberty jealously against any intrusion, permitting only those few intrusions as are absolutely indispensable to a society.  We treasure liberty for its own sake, and not just on the occasion where liberty aligns with our own actions, intentions or political beliefs.  Heroes of the highest character fought and died to provide us with Liberty and we will not disgrace their memory by yielding our liberties casually.  Liberty is essential to the human condition.  Free speech, press and religion do not in any way rely upon general popularity of the words spoken or printed, or the faith pursued.  Liberty exists to protect things we may find offensive, and while we may not find value in the offensive thing, the underlying liberty that allows it to exist is beautiful.  Liberty is worth dying for;, for nothing of value can thrive without liberty.  Liberty is lifeblood, it is the air we breathe, the water we drink, it is the singular defining characteristic of the United States of America for as long as we deserve to keep it.   

Adopted January 2024 by The Board of Trustees

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