
Transportation Information for Manchester Residents

In New Hampshire, charter school students may be provided bus transportation to and from school if they legally reside in the district in which the charter school is located. As The Founders Academy is located in the city of Manchester, students who legally reside in Manchester may qualify for this service. 

The Manchester School District is responsible for determining eligibility based upon the criteria listed in their Transportation Policy. The Manchester School District will forward the bus schedule and all necessary information directly to all parents by mid-August. The district also posts this information on its website under Transportation: use the "Private School / Charter School" tab to review the schedule online. Please do not call the Manchester School District regarding this matter.

Parents / Guardians are strongly encouraged to read the information and instruct their children to behave in an appropriate manner while riding the bus. All students who qualify for bus transportation will be required to comply with the policies and procedures set forth by the Manchester School District.

Relevant Form: Transportation Exception Request Form

Manchester School District Busing Information 

The Central or West High School Districts

Middle or high school students who would attend Central High School or West High School will take the bus with students from Cardinal Lacroix to the Cardinal Lacroix school then take another bus to Founders. (NoteThe shuttle bus will leave Cardinal Lacroix Academy no later than 7:15am every morning.)

The Memorial High School District

Middle or high school students who would attend Memorial High School will take the bus with students from Memorial High School to Memorial High School then take another bus to Founders. Students who live within 1.4 miles of Memorial High School may take the shuttle bus from Memorial to Founders but will need to walk or get a ride to Memorial (this is the same for Memorial High School students). (NoteThe shuttle bus will leave Memorial HS no later than 7:10am every morning.)

Additional Details

• In both cases, students can be driven to Memorial HS or Cardinal Lacroix to pick up the bus.
• Founders will have staff at each transfer location for the first few days of school.

• All students will be bused back to their neighborhood stops in the afternoon.
• If you need busing but have not filled out the bus form yet, please contact the school at (603) 952-4705 or Christine Carpenter via email: [email protected]

For more information on the specific routes and times

Manchester School District's School District's Bus Schedules for Charter and Private Schools
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